
Thinking by Reading

People communicate with one another in every moment, it is especially in college classrooms mainly by writing and speaking, and by reading and listening. To improve their abilities to read other people are writing, and also to listen to speakers for that matter. If we become more aware of what is involved in the communication process. There are three main components of surveying books to read: 1. The author     Who is it?     Why did he or she write it?     Who is written for? 2. The text     What type?     What subject?     What ideas?       How organized?     What special features?     Unusual features?   3. We, the reader     What do we know already? 4. Please conduct a survey for a book and do steps 1, 2, and 3. Thanks

Soal Ujian Akhir

SEKOLAH TINGGI EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM STEBI AL MUHSIN YOGYAKRTA TH 2019/2020 MATA KULIAH  ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS PRODI (SEMUA PRODI) HARI : SENIN, 4 MEI 2020 PUKUL : 15:30 S/D 17:00 WIB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMA                 :  NIM                     : PRODI/SMT       : A. Put the verbs in their correct forms! 1. I _______________ (study) English last night. 2. She _______________ (buy) a present for her son but he _______________ (not like) it. 3. I ________ (have) long hair when I was a little child but now my hair__________(be) very short. 4. Janet_______________ (write) a letter to George last night. 5. Ellie _______________ (brush) he teeth twice a day. 6. Sarah _______________ (visit) John every Friday. 7. He ____ (take) too much alcohol yesterday evening, so he____ (have) a terrible headache now. 8. Morgan _______________ (not be) so hardworking last year. 9

Ujian Akhir Semester

Soal Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam STEBI AL MUHSIN YOGYAKARTA MANAJEMEN STRATEGIK Hari Senin, 4 Mei 2020 Pukul : 13:30 s/d 15:00 WIB Jawablah Pertanyaan Berikut ini dengan Benar! 1. Jelaskan tentang visi, misi, tujuan dan peranannya dalam manajemen strategi? 2. Berikan contoh sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki tujuan yang tersusun secara efektif dan efisien! 3. Berikan penjelasan dan contoh kasus perusahaan yang bersaing dengan pesaing terdekatnya! 4. Berikan sebuah contoh perusahaan yang Anda ketahui bagaimana perusahaan tersebut memahami keinginan dan kebutuhan konsumen, strategi apa yang diterapkan untuk berkompetisi! 5. Asumsikan Anda memiliki sebuah perusahaan, coba susunlah strategi untuk perusahaan tersebut  supaya dapat berkembang dan berkompetisi di era global! *** Semoga Sukses*** Loading…

Self Learning Listening Comprehension


Self Learning Structure & Written Expression
