Soal Ujian Akhir

TH 2019/2020
HARI : SENIN, 4 MEI 2020
PUKUL : 15:30 S/D 17:00 WIB
NAMA                 : 
NIM                     :
PRODI/SMT       :

A. Put the verbs in their correct forms!1. I _______________ (study) English last night.
2. She _______________ (buy) a present for her son but he _______________ (not like) it.
3. I ________ (have) long hair when I was a little child but now my hair__________(be) very short.
4. Janet_______________ (write) a letter to George last night.
5. Ellie _______________ (brush) he teeth twice a day.
6. Sarah _______________ (visit) John every Friday.
7. He ____ (take) too much alcohol yesterday evening, so he____ (have) a terrible headache now.
8. Morgan _______________ (not be) so hardworking last year.
9. She _______________ (not use) a ruler in the test yesterday.
10. Max, Frank and Steve _______________ (be) in the yard right now.

B) Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the SIMPLE PAST:

break      swim        have         make         sit               write

spend      buy          drink        lose            wash

1.      She ………………….. a cake an hour ago.
2.      She ………………….. a hat last week.
3.      The boy ………………….. a letter yesterday.
4.      They ……………………. in the sea for an hour.
5.      They ………………….. a lot of Coke last night.
6.      She ………………… her arm last week.
7.      He ……………………. all his money last week.
8.      She …………………… a bath two minutes ago.
9.      He ……………………. his wallet last night.
10.  She ………………….. on the old chair a minute ago.
11.  She ………………….. the clothes yesterday.

C) Write what Jean DID or DIDN’T do yesterday:

12. go shopping  ( - )                            ………… Jean didn’t go shopping yesterday. …………….
13. clean the house  ( + )                      ………………………………………………………………
14, feed the cat  ( + )                             .………………………………………………………………
15. telephone Mary  ( - )                       ………………………………………………………………
16. watch a film on TV  ( - )                 ………………………………………………………………
17. visit her grandparents  ( + )             ………………………………………………………………
18. take them a cake  ( + )                                     ……………………………………………………………….......................

D) Read the following story:

     Bob is a young sailor. He lives in England, but he is often away with his ship.
     One summer he comes back from a long voyage and finds new neighbors near his mother’s house. They have a pretty daughter, and Bob soon loves her and he wants to marry her when he comes back. Bob promises the girl to send a present from every port.
      Bob’s first port is Capetown in Africa, and he sends the girl a parrot from there. The parrot speaks three languages. When Bob’s ship reaches Australia, a letter comes from the girl. The letter says, “Thank you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than a chicken.”

a) Write the story again. Use THE SIMPLE PAST:

      Bob was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship.             

E)  Fill in HOW MUCH or HOW MANY:
1.      ………………………………….. potatoes do we need?
2.      ………………………………….. sugar would  you like?
3.      ………………………………….. milk is there in the fridge?
4.      ………………………………….. eggs do you want?
5.      ………………………………….. ham do you need?

F)  Fill in SOME, ANY, MUCH or MANY:

1.      A: I’d like ……………………. eggs, please.
B: Of course. How ……………………. would you like?
A: Six, please. Are there ……………………… tomatoes?
B: Certainly. How …………………… do you need?
A: A kilo, please.
2.      A: I’d like …………………… olive oil.
B: How ……………………… do you need?
A: Half a bottle. Is there ……………………. flour?
B: Certainly. How ………………………. do you need?

A: A kilo, please.

NOTES: Your answer could be POSTED via COMMENT  with the subject: 


  1. Nama : Tabrizi
    NIM :
    Prodi/smt : PS/2

    1. Studied
    2. Bought,don't like
    3. Had
    4. Wrote
    5. Brushed
    6. Visited
    7. Took,had
    8. Not was
    9. Not used
    10. Were

    1. Made
    2. Bought
    3. Wrote
    4. Swam
    5. Drank
    6. Broke
    7. Spent
    8. Had
    9. Loses
    10. Sat
    11. Whases

    12. Jean did go shopping yesterday
    13. Jean didn't clean the house yesterday
    14. Jean didn't feed the cat yesterday
    15. Jean did telephone Mary yesterday
    16. Jean did watch a film on tv yesterday
    17. Jean didn't visit her grandparents yesterday
    18. Jean did take them a cake yesterday

    Bob was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship.
    One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbors near his mother's house. They had a pretty daughter, and Bob soon loved her and he wanted to marry her when he came back. Bob promised the girl to sent a present from every port.
    Bob's first port is Capetown in Africa, and he sent the girl a parrot from there. The parrot spoke three languages. When Bob's ship reached Australia, a letter came from girl. The letter said, "Thank you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than chicken".

    1. How many
    2. How much
    3. How much
    4. How much
    5. How much

    1. A : any
    B : much
    A : some
    B : much
    2. A : any
    B : much
    A : any
    B : much

  2. Nama : indhira sagita asri
    NIM :1908130
    Prodi/smt : Perbankan syariah/2

    1. Studied
    2. Bought,don't like
    3. Had
    4. Wrote
    5. Brushed
    6. Visited
    7. Took,had
    8. Not was
    9. Not used
    10. Were

    1. Made
    2. Bought
    3. Wrote
    4. Swam
    5. Drank
    6. Broke
    7. Spent
    8. Had
    9. Loses
    10. Sat
    11. Whases

    12. Jean did go shopping yesterday
    13. Jean didn't clean the house yesterday
    14. Jean didn't feed the cat yesterday
    15. Jean did telephone Mary yesterday
    16. Jean did watch a film on tv yesterday
    17. Jean didn't visit her grandparents yesterday
    18. Jean did take them a cake yesterday

    Bob was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship.
    One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbors near his mother's house. They had a pretty daughter, and Bob soon loved her and he wanted to marry her when he came back. Bob promised the girl to sent a present from every port.
    Bob's first port is Capetown in Africa, and he sent the girl a parrot from there. The parrot spoke three languages. When Bob's ship reached Australia, a letter came from girl. The letter said, "Thank you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than chicken".

    1. How many
    2. How much
    3. How much
    4. How much
    5. How much

    A : any
    B : much
    A : some
    B : much

    A : any
    B : much
    A : any
    B : much


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