English for Business



Who is the book for?
English for business is for students of economic study program at a middle or
intermediate level. This means students who are no longer beginners but who are
not yet the expert in English. The book can be used by students attending by
working alone.
What does the book consist of?
The book consists of 15 units, each on an economic reading topic. The unit covers
reading and grammar area. Special attention is given to those points which are
often a problem for learners. Economic topics, grammar topics, and writing skill
also support learners.
In the end of the unit provides any kinds of tests which can be used to review the
student‘s understanding.
How should you use the book?
There are many various of using the book. When you study a unit, start the
explanation and directions then do the exercises.
March 2018
Isdiarto, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 


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